Leitz Elmar Lens

Leitz Tele-Elmar 135mm f4 Leica-M Mount

Leitz Tele-Elmar 135mm f4 Leica-M Mount
Leitz Tele-Elmar 135mm f4 Leica-M Mount
Leitz Tele-Elmar 135mm f4 Leica-M Mount
Leitz Tele-Elmar 135mm f4 Leica-M Mount
Leitz Tele-Elmar 135mm f4 Leica-M Mount

Leitz Tele-Elmar 135mm f4 Leica-M Mount
Leitz Tele-Elmar 135mm f4 Leica-M Mount. Great working condition considering age.

Aperture selection and focus feel a bit "grippier" than a brand new Leica lens, but are absolutely no issue for me in use. Some marks in the paint, some small dust that doesn't affect image, no haze, separation, fungus etc. Rangefinder coupling is spot on.

Excellent cheap thrill in Leica land. Includes Hoya filter as shown. This is because I travel for work up to ten days a month - usually not in a row, but very occasionally they are. Please be aware that it may take that long for me to get an item out.

Leitz Tele-Elmar 135mm f4 Leica-M Mount